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There are 1 results of your search for dingleberry.


idiot, loser: Don't be a dingleberry. Also, dangleberry.

Contributor's comments: A dingleberry to me is like the formal meaning of "dag", that is, a piece of faeces that gets stuck in the wool near the anus of a sheep. That being said, one can also have dingleberries (ie, unwanted and kinda yucky hanging things) on your clothes and in your hair. Like for example if your kid chucks up and you don't notice, and those particles of chuck are sort of just dangling there, then that would also be a dingleberry.

Contributor's comments: Another variant from Adelaide schooldays was the dangleberry or gruffnut. Both are terms referring to faecal matter, or in turn a person who could be termed an idiot.

Contributor's comments: Dingleberry is the American equivalent of dag (dag being a small ball of fecal matter stuck to either sheep or human hair). It can also be used when referring to someone as an idiot. It's a favorite term of John Waters and is used in the film Pecker.