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There are 2 results of your search for spuds2.


1.  dirty behind the ears: His ears have spuds in them.
2.  Used as singular as a nickname for the person with "spuds".

Contributor's comments: My grandma [from Central West NSW, then Sydney] used to call holes in socks spuds, but I was always under the impression that they were called so because the exposed roughly circular pattern of exposed skin resembled a two-dimensional picture of a potato. You know how pontiac potatoes are pinkish.


fists. If we wanted to decided who was going to pick teams or turn the rope or be the one to chase everyone else, we had to choose that person. We'd stand in a circle with both fists in front, and then use a counting rhyme to decide who was 'it': Spuds in!

Contributor's comments: Action, played to a rhyme, hitting the fists (spuds) of all the kids in a circle, until last one "in", to determine who is "He" for games of chasey, brandy, hip etc. in the schoolground: "Lets play brandy." (i.e. game played by throwing tennis balls at kids in playground). "OK, Spuds first!"