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There are 1 results of your search for Refidex.


(also lower case) street directory: I looked up your address in my refidex. This would be synonomous to saying "in my Gregories". I believe that it was the original street directory for Brisbane. Compare Melways. Also, Referdex, referdex.

Contributor's comments: This has been the Brisbane generic word for "street directory" for years, dating back to the 60's when "Refidex" was the name of the brand. More recently the UBD directory has added the word "Refidex" as a secondary title: "I will look up the address in my refidex."

Contributor's comments: This is a brand name for the Brisbane street directory. It is actually spelt "Refidex".

Contributor's comments: I didn't realise how regional my language was until I started looking at this list. I have lived in many places around Australia and thought the only Qld left in me was refedex for street directory.

Contributor's comments: Street Directory: "Pass us the reffadex." (Wasn't understood in Sydney)

Contributor's comments: Refidex was the original Brisbane street directory. It dates back to before I can remember, but it was black & white only and as the city grew the directory was added to in a most unprofessional manner so that it was a mess. When the UBD came out (early 1960s I think) in colur and very professional, the Refidex was dead. Subsequently UBD ressurected or bought the brand name and added it as a secondary title to the Brisbane directory.