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There are 1 results of your search for blodger.


criminal inclined to violence: That blodger? I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

Contributor's comments: I am a long term Sth. Queenslander. I have never heard "blodger". Maybe it is a variation of "bludger" which we called a lazy person or slacker.

Contributor's comments: I have lived in Brisbane for 34 years and have never heard this word. The word "bludger" means someone who is lazy, who shuns work, but as for "blodger"?

Contributor's comments: Can't say I've heard it before.

Contributor's comments: I've always thought the word was "bludger" and its usage more to describe someone who is a "sponger" - always benefiting from the efforts of others without doing much work yourself.

Contributor's comments: I've only ever seen this spelt bludger.

Contributor's comments: Sounds like some migrants word where the user has tried to use bludger but said it wrong. I have never heard anyone use the term whilst living and working in Queensland 35 years in schools, industry, jail or church.