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There are 1 results of your search for chips.


used for describing fire-lighting material in days gone by, but still used occasionally: As a youngster, one of my daily chores was to 'bring in the chips' for lighting the next morning's fire.

Contributor's comments: Was familiar with the word when growing up in SE Qld - hence the name "chip-heater" meaning the appliance that was fired up using "chips" to heat bath water.

Contributor's comments: In northern and central South Australia in the 1950s and 60s we had a "chip heater" although I don't remember referring to the fuel as chips.

Contributor's comments: I spent many hours cutting chips for the fire in Gippsland.

Contributor's comments: As a child (fifties) in Townsville it was my daily job to collect 'chips' for both the chip heater (water heater) which was fired up each evening and chips for the lighting of the 'stove' in the morning. There was a similar requirement for Mum's washing for her to light the copper. Most of the chips were able to be picked off the ground as the result of Dad's chopping /splitting of the blocks of firewood.

Contributor's comments: In 1971 in Northern Victoria, my fiancee and her family used "chip-heater" to describe the appliance that heated the bathwater. They used mostly newspaper, in tight twists, as fuel, along with a little light kindling wood. I had never heard the term before. They had farmed all over Victoria in the preceding two decades, so I don't know where they first heard the term.

Contributor's comments: I grew up south of Perth in the 50's and 60's and I too spent many hours collecting and or chopping chips to help start all the fires in the house including the chip bath heater.