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There are 1 results of your search for cock jocks.

cock jocks

speedos (bathers): I might wear cock jocks in the race to go faster than boardies.

Contributor's comments: My 16 year old son uses 'cock jocks' to describe underpants of the jockey or speedo style as distinct from boxers which are the current preferred style amongst his peers.

Contributor's comments: cossie, speedos, racing swimmers: "Those cockjocks seem a bit tight."

Contributor's comments: CJ's or Cockjocks, were a pretty common term for speedos when I was growing up in WA, and still are now - never hear the Budge-Huggers or the other hugger alternatives!

Contributor's comments: We schoolkids n SE-Qld in the '80s and '90s frequently called them meathangers, cockjocks or dickpointers, rather than dick-stickers/pokers.

Contributor's comments: The West Australians I work with refer to Speedos as CJ's short for Cock Jocks. Also when my little nephew over east was wearing his UV jumpsuit thing they called it his 'Shirvo' as in Matt Shirvington, with his tackle (another regionalism) free as a bird to move about.

Contributor's comments: These are known as CJ's to myself and my friends - "Cock Jocks". I had never heard of any of the other nicknames before now.

Contributor's comments: Growing up in Perth the boys would all be very disparaging about their sluggers or "cock-jocks" and much preferred to swim in footy shorts.