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There are 1 results of your search for dinky-double.


verb 1. to convey as a second person on a horse, bicycle or motorcycle.
noun 2. a ride as a secondary passenger. Compare bar2, dink, dinky1, donkey1, double, dub, pug.

Contributor's comments: We used to call it dinky-double around the Brisbane / Moreton Bay area, and it meant getting a ride on the handlebars of someone's pushy (bicycle). Often resulted in some very scabby knees.

Contributor's comments: Growing up in Wynnum in the 60s, we just called it "doubling". eg. Will you double me to school on your bike?

Contributor's comments: Double dink was used in Gippsland in 50s and 60s, often shortened to Dink. Almost always the passenger sat on the crossbar of the bike - only the "lairs" sat on the handlebars.

Contributor's comments: In Hobart one doubled-dinked, asked for a dink, e.g. Can I have a dink to school? The major difference seems to be that the person getting a dink sat on the seat of the bicycle and the rider stood on the pedals.