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There are 1 results of your search for elevenses.


morning tea break - particularly at primary school: I'll meet you at elevenses. Compare elevener, levna.

Contributor's comments: I've lived in south-east Queensland for 36 years - including my last 4 years of schooling - and the only place I've ever seen or heard the word 'elevenses' used is in English children's stories! Local usages are "little lunch" (school) and "morning tea" (workplace and general).

Contributor's comments: [Sydney informant] Inner city literati-speak for the first beer of the day.

Contributor's comments: Elevenzus was used in central western Qld in the '50's.

Contributor's comments: The word elevenses has always been used by my Dad and his mates as the time to start drinking beer. I've seen a Carlton United Brewery bar mirror with an old fella with a white beard leaning on the bar with the caption above his head, "I allus have one at eleven" so elevenses may refer more to an appropriate time to start drinking rather than morning tea break.