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There are 1 results of your search for good night.

good night

Greeting - used in the evening. When meeting someone in the evening. In Brisbane the term "Good night" is often used instead of the the term "Good evening". In other places, particularly the UK where I originated "Good night" is solely used when leaving someone at night, rather than a greeting when meeting. A small difference, but I still find it peculiar after 35 years here: Good night - how are you?

Contributor's comments: Your word spotter must move in different circles from the ones that I've occupied in my 36 years in Brisbane. I can not recall ever being greeted with a "good night". It's "good evening", or the non-time specific "g'day".

Contributor's comments: I grew up in Brisbane, and have never, heard 'Goodnight' as a greeting.

Contributor's comments: During an interview on the ABC's 7.30 Report in the late 1980's the then NSW Premier Barrie Unsworth greeted the presenter with "Good night!" This struck me as very odd at the time.

Contributor's comments: I have never heard of this either in 35 years in Brisbane.