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There are 1 results of your search for trissy.


Not at all clear!!! Not sure if this is a regionalism or neologism - or both!! It appeared in a land development brochure on the Gold Coast. Context: "So you're tired of trissy Tuscan townhouses ..." The salesman I asked didn't know what it meant!! Coinage from fussy and trite or somesuch??

Editor's comments: "Triss" is a term used for an effeminate homosexual male. Perhaps the meaning here is "overly pretty, in an effeminate style"? Can anyone help?

Contributor's comments: There was a word my Mother and sister used to describe when a dress was being refurbished and that was "to tizz it up a bit". I seem to remember that this meant to add lace and different buttons in an effort to make it look more modern and prettier. Perhaps trissy is a contraction of tizzy.