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There are 1 results of your search for tuning.


The process of chatting someone up (either sex). Derivations of tuning: "Autotune" - scanning the room for possible people to chat up. "Finetune" - paying a lot of attention to one person. The analogy is to the radio: Simon was tuning Alice all night, but didn't get to take her home.

Contributor's comments: I went to Alstonville High School (far north coast of NSW), and alot of tuning went on at parties I went to...

Contributor's comments: Tuning - I beleive the word was specific to Trinity College, University of Melbourne for a good length of time through the late 80s and early 90s.

Contributor's comments: [ACT informant] "Spading" seems to be another term to mean the same thing as "tuning".

Contributor's comments: Was used extensively at Trinity College at the University of Melbourne. I understand that it is still in use today.

Contributor's comments: This one has also made an appearance in the NT. I have found that a lot of the military personnel up here use it.