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There are 1 results of your search for Where is it to?.

Where is it to?

The regionalism simply means "where is it" but in some places people put "to" on the end: Where is Ted to now? I last heard he was living in Port Lincoln. Compare Where at to, Where ya to.

Contributor's comments: "To" can be added to the end of a "where" question without altering the meaning. Mainly on the Yorke Peninsula: "Where are you living to?" "Where's Jane to?" "I'm going to the pub" "Where's that to?"

Contributor's comments: Being from NSW this has caused no end of confusion. At first I though many of the locals here in Port Augusta and the Southern Flinders Ranges replaced "from" with "to" but that's not quite correct. "Where you to now?" is commonly asked of me as I have recently moved towns. But also common is "Where you to this weekend?" in enquiring where I have been for the weekend just passed - I always think they are enquiring of my plans of the coming weekend.