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There are 1 results of your search for double-cut roll.

double-cut roll

noun a bread roll cut through twice, giving room for two layers of filling.

Contributor's comments: Lived on double cut rolls at school and work from local delis but the roll was cut three times horizontally and once vertically with fillings in 1st and 3rd layers and nothing in 2nd layer. This makes four small sandwich like parcels of food and easy for small kids to eat it.

Contributor's comments: As reported by previous contributor, a double cut roll has three horizontal cuts, with filling in 1st and 3rd cuts. The vertical cut is optional.

Contributor's comments: This is incorrect and the other contributor is correct the "double cut roll" is cut 3 times with filling in cut 1 and 3 giving 2 sandwiches, it can also be cut once vertically to make eating easier.

Contributor's comments: A double-cut roll definitely has three cuts, with the filling between the first and second and second and third cuts. The two cuts version is incorrect.