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There are 1 results of your search for torpedo.


a long bun with icing, that narrows at each end (shaped like a bomb): I'd like to buy that torpedo bun.

Contributor's comments: [North Coast Qld informant] Sounds like what we called 'coffee roll'. Pink icing with coconut. We'd cut the bun in half long ways and spread it with butter.

Contributor's comments: Mate, I've never heard anyone use the term Torpedo Bun in my life and I live in Adelaide. We call them Finger Buns not Torpedo Buns.

Contributor's comments: [Adelaide informant] Re the person that says they've never heard of a 'torpedo' bun, and reckon it's a finger bun - it's not the same thing - a torpedo is large and is sliced up and shared - a figure bun is a smaller, individual bun.

Contributor's comments: A torpedo is a can of beer that has had a hole punched in the bottom. The can is then held upside down with the pull tab positioned above one's mouth. The pull tab is then pulled and gravity takes its course. Often used in a "boat race".

Contributor's comments: From WA: never heard the term "torpedo" in this context, I'd call what you're describing a "sticky bun".

Contributor's comments: Torpedo is what we use call a large bun (much larger than a finger bun) with usually white icing running down the middle of it.

Contributor's comments: A torpedo is different from a finger bun - it is wider and longer, without sultanas, if I remember correctly. The attraction was the size and the amount of icing - much thicker and wider than a finger bun. I haven't seen them for years, so doubt they are made anymore. A buttered torpedo bun could fill you up for hours.