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There are 1 results of your search for Empire sausage.

Empire sausage

noun a large, mild-flavoured, precooked sausage, usually sliced thinly and eaten cold. Compare beef Belgium, Belgium sausage, Byron sausage, devon, fritz, German sausage, luncheon sausage, polony, pork German, Strasburg, wheel meat, Windsor sausage. Also, Empire.

Contributor's comments: "Polony" is used in WA for this.

Contributor's comments: A type of cold sausage-meat - apparently a variation on "Devon" and seldom, if ever, heard outside the Newcastle area, especially prior to the 1970's. Likewise, "Devon" was totally unknown to myself until travelling around N.S.W. in the 1960's: (to sandwich shop worker) "An empire sandwich, please."

Contributor's comments: Was aware of it in Sydney many years ago. Was told by the oldies that before WW1 it was always 'German sausage', but was 'patriotically' renamed "Empire sausage". Haven't heard it referred to as Empire or German for zonks!

Contributor's comments: Empire sausage - we called it Empire or Devon in the Hunter valley, but in Qld it was Windsor.