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There are 1 results of your search for tally.


A 750ML bottle of beer: Can I have two tallies of VB. Also, tallie.

Contributor's comments: I'm a Brisbane girl who has been living in Geelong for 2 years and I still am amazed that no one down here calls the 750ml bottle of beer a 'tally'. They call it a 'long neck'. I refuse to change, it's a tally!!

Contributor's comments: Long necks are not known by this name in the Brisbane area - they are 'tallies'.

Contributor's comments: When I moved from Western Australia to Queensland I got told off for calling "tallies" longnecks. Not the other way round.

Contributor's comments: A longneck beer, ie it holds 750ml of beer: "I just drank tallies last night." (tallie pronounced tall-lee).

Contributor's comments: I have also heard this term used as a measure of distance in the Goondiwindi area. When asking how far it was from one town to another, I was told it was three tallys ie you could drink three tallys in the time it took to get there.

Contributor's comments: I am from Brisbane and know them as 'tallies' but my friend who is the descendant of several generations of Perth-ites says in WA they're sometimes called king browns.

Contributor's comments: Also have heard that refered to as a largey.