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There are 1 results of your search for jubbly.


A frozen ice drink, i.e., sunnyboy, razz etc. This was really a collective noun for these sorts of ice drinks, rather than calling them by their commercial names: Get us a jubbly, and make it a red one. Also, jublee.

Contributor's comments: [Melbourne Region] jublee -- Sunny Boy (triangular iced confectionery found in schools)

Contributor's comments: I recall Jubbly as a brand name for an orange flavoured version of these drinks when at school in Melbourne in the late 1950's - early '60's. I suspect that the Jubbly was the original product, and has become a generic term since. One could buy a Jubbly frozen or chilled.

Contributor's comments: This was still surviving in isolated areas of Melbourne in the 1980s.