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There are 1 results of your search for goose club.

goose club

Raffle usually held at fundraisers where there are a number of small prizes (20 or 30) that have been donated by members of the organising group: There will be a goose club at the quiz night can you bring a prize?

Contributor's comments: I first heard of goose clubs here on the Atherton Tablelands and had no idea what it meant. After a year on the kindy commitee and on the pre-school parent group I know it too well, as does the organiser. Here it's a fixture at our local pub and is a good money raiser for a number of charities in the district and which we are all very grateful for it.

Contributor's comments: Goose club was certainly in use throught Queensland in the 1950s. My mother used to organize many of them for local charities.

Contributor's comments: [NSW informant] Where I come from, we'd call this a "chook raffle".