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There are 1 results of your search for Mintabie time.

Mintabie time

As opposed to 'real time', Mintabie time is always much later than stated. e.g. dinner at 6 pm generally means no earlier than 7: 'When will my car be fixed?' 'Probably in 2 weeks Mintabie time' Translation - Will be at least 4 weeks!

Contributor's comments: Not specific to this region, or even to Australia. While living in Malaysia, I heard the phrase "Malaysian time" used by non-Malaysians to disparage the easy-going pace of the locals. Later, in Sabah, I heard the same used by non-Sabahan Malaysians to disparage the easy-going pace of the locals ...!

Contributor's comments: I was recently in NZ and I heard "Maori time" used about a group of Maoris who were late arriving.