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There are 1 results of your search for Dalkeith tractor.

Dalkeith tractor

A 4WD which is bought by wealthy people and is only used in the nicest of urban environments. It would never deliberately encounter a suburb which has public housing, for instance: "And not only could I not see when I was reversing out of the parking spot in my lovely Barina, the two Dalkeith tractors had parked so close I thought they were going to start rutting the exhaust pipe" Merle remarked to Muriel after discovering her car had been boxed in by two spotless 4WDs. Compare Balmain bulldozer, Bronte buggy, Burnside bus, Burnside warrior, Double Bay tractor, Kenmore tractor, Mosman tractor, North Shore Kingswood, North Shore tank, Toorak tractor, Turramurra tractor.

Contributor's comments: In England we have Chelsea Tractor