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There are 1 results of your search for bobtail.


A skink (Tiliqua scinciodes): I saw a bobtail. Also, bobby.

Contributor's comments: Many West Aussies refer to the bobtail skink as a bobtail goanna or just as a goanna - which it definitely is not.

Contributor's comments: As a child in the Perth metro area, a "bobtail" or "bobby" was a blue-tongued lizard -- exclusively. I was an adult before I heard it called anything else.

Contributor's comments: [Perth informant] Bobtail was also the name given to a non-articulated truck - a "semi" is a semi trailer, but a road train could have a bobtail and two dogs - dogs were the trailers.

Contributor's comments: "Bobtail" = Tiliqua rugosa. [i.e. the shingleback skink, or, pinecone lizard (ed.)]

Contributor's comments: Another name for it is the sleepy lizard or two-headed lizard. I use bobtail myself.