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There are 1 results of your search for marron.


noun an Australian freshwater crayfish, of the genus Cherax. Compare clawchie, crawchie, craydab, crayfish, jilgie, lobby, lobster, yabby. [from the Aboriginal language Nyungar (south-western WA)] –marroner, noun

Contributor's comments: I work for AQIS Export Fish section. In WA there are numerous freshwater Cherax species and each has a different common name and they are NOT interchangeable: marron, gilgie, koonac and yabby. Red Claw is a Queensland species. Here is a link with identiying features:

Editor's comments: The site referred to above is excellent. At least it differentiates the four common types in southwest Western Australia. Apparently there are more than 100 species of freshwater crayfish (Cherax). Whether there is any direct connection between the "technical" names and their application and the "colloquial" usage would be interesting to find out. For example, if you are out koonacking are you disappointed if you catch a marron? Can anyone help with this?

Contributor's comments: A marron is significantly larger than a yabbie.

Contributor's comments: In my experience marron were more likely to be found in salt water, whilst koonac were more likely to be caught in dams. But I'm no expert, just a kid dragged out in search of the things all the time when growing up in Perth.