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There are 1 results of your search for western suburbs.

western suburbs

In Sydney (and Melbourne?) this term connotes a working-class or 'battler' lifestyle. In Brisbane, by contrast, it connotes a middle-class or professional lifestyle (often prefixed with 'leafy'): Nanette Lilley Realty at Graceville (a riverside suburb where house prices are well above the Brisbane median) advertises itself as serving 'Graceville and all Western Suburbs'. (The Courier-Mail, 3 January 2004, Real Estate supplement, page 9; and

Editor's comments: Certainly in Sydney "western suburbs" equates with working class. How about in other cities?

Contributor's comments: Another example of the cachet attached to the term 'western suburbs' in a Brisbane context, again from the real estate industry. The firm Cavalier Realty has an office in the trendy inner suburb of Paddington (see 'Paddo' in the WordMap list), and their e-mail address ("paddington@...") and web page ("/paddington") suggest that that's how they used to identify themselves. In their advertisement in the free local weekly newspaper Westside News (21 January 2004, page 26), however, the company logo identifies them as "Metro West". This re-badging seems designed to evoke both the glamour of inner-city living ("Metro") and the upmarket connotations (for Brisbane readers) of the term "western suburbs" ("West"). And indeed, their advertisement offers such desirable properties as, in the inner city, a 32nd floor apartment with "the best river views in Brisbane" and a penthouse in Spring Hill, and, in the west, a "Tuscany-styled retreat" in Sinnamon Park and a "hilltop country chalet" at Mount Nebo (that's "way out west", outside the city limits in Brisbane Forest Park). Perversely, the advert also offers a "quaint cottage by the bay" at Wynnum -- about as far *east* as you can get in Brisbane without getting your feet wet in the Pacific Ocean. It seems that the borders of the "Metro West" territory are rather elastic!

Contributor's comments: A Perth-based correspondent to ABC Local Radio's "Coodabeen Champions" remarked on "all those western suburbs four wheel drives" encountered on the road to Margaret River (25 January 2004).