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There are 1 results of your search for chicken scratch.

chicken scratch

In schoolyard rugby league, instead of a scrum, you would have a chicken scratch. One boy from each team would face the other and bend over. Their heads would touch and they would put their hands behind their backs. The ball would be placed on the ground between them. Someone would count to 3 and the boys would then 'scratch' for the ball with their hands: Knock on...we'll have a chicken scratch.

Contributor's comments: In Wollongong where I grew up in the 50s we used this term.

Contributor's comments: In dancing it was a step we did as a diversion in the Quickstep. We called this "chicken scratching" and 50 years on I still do. Basically the couple are facing front instead of face to face, and on the beat the right instep is pulled up to touch the back of the left heel.

Contributor's comments: Also meant to describe 'scratching' or scribbling out words on paper.