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There are 1 results of your search for pluto pup.

pluto pup

A battered frankfurt on a stick dipped in tomato sauce. This was a pretty widely available food item in Newcastle when I was a child in the 1980s. I have since seen the same thing called a New Zealand hot dog at one shop in Perth: I asked to guy at for a pluto pup, but they were out, so I got a pie.

Contributor's comments: I grew up in Canberra during the 1970s and '80s - Pluto pup was all the go then.

Contributor's comments: I grew up and lived in Perth for almost 30 years and never heard of this word, or saw such a concoction, until I moved to the Eastern States. I'm sure it must be recent import from the East as people are moving around.

Contributor's comments: I have lived in WA for 15 years and it is widely used in the north west.

Contributor's comments: The Pluto pup in Newcastle goes back a lot further than the 80s .. the best Pluto pups when I was growing up in the 50s were to be had at Newcastle's Ocean Baths kiosk .. and please don't confuse them with that other great culinary delight -the battered sav .. two totally different meals.

Contributor's comments: This was certainly a food item in Newcastle in the 1950s. The best ones were at the Newcastle Ocean Baths.