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There are 1 results of your search for transition.


noun the first year in primary school. Compare kindergarten, preparatory class, reception class.

Contributor's comments: In Forster NSW transition was a class to align Kindie kids with the start of the year. i.e. you started Kindie in the term when you were 5.

Contributor's comments: When I started school on the central coast of NSW in 1957 I spent 12 months in Kindergarten. The next year I was supposed to go into Transition but for various reason I repeated Kindergarten. The following year (1959) I went straight into 1st class with the rest of the previous year's kindergarten class. The students that were in the 1957 intake (& who would have been in Transition in 1958) were all in 2nd class. Obviously the "transition" from Kindergarten to first class did not take the whole, although I do not know when the 1958 "transition class" became the 1958 1st class.