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There are 3 results of your search for prep2.


a. a preparatory class.
b. a child attending a preparatory class.

Contributor's comments: When I started school in Hawthorn (Vic), the first year which we now call Prep was also known as 'Bubs' (as in 'I started Bubs this year.')

Contributor's comments: I grew up in Hobart (and went to prep there) - 'prep' was used there also in the same way as it is used in Victoria.

Contributor's comments: In Victoria means first year of primary school. In SA this first grade is called "kindy". I only ever heard this word growing up in SA in the context of "preparatory school" which is primary sector of private "grammar school". In SA, a "prep" is a pupil at any of the primary school grades, not just the first.

Contributor's comments: No! "Prep" in South Australia always meant the very first year of primary school, 5 year olds. "Kindy" is for kindergarten, the year you do before school, as a 4 year old.

Contributor's comments: I went to Kinder as a four year old, the year before I went to school. First class of school was called Prep in Victoria.

Contributor's comments: In Central Coast NSW kindergarten was the first year of school. The word prep was not used, however pre-school was the year prior to starting school.

Contributor's comments: When I was at school in Melborne in the '70's, we went to kindergarten then we went to prep for a year, then grade 1.


homework - used in many other boarding schools as the name of homework, as the work is in "preparation" for the next day.: I have five subjects of prep tonight.


in Bendigo in the 1960s, "preps" was the class one year below grade one in primary school. Kingergartens were not common then.

Contributor's comments: I started school in the 60s in Adelaide at "prep" or "preparatory", it appears to be called "reception" now. Of course we were called "preps" as a collective term.