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There are 1 results of your search for Salvation Jane.

Salvation Jane

noun a biennial herb, Echium plantagineum, native to the Mediterranean area but widely naturalised in settled parts of Australia, having blue-purple flowers. Compare Lachlan lilac, Murrumbidgee sweet pea, Paterson's curse, Riverina bluebell.
Contributor's comments: Also heard referred to as Vipers Bugloss (not sure of region) and Riverina Lucerne.

Contributor's comments: Also used in Western Australia; according to my husband, it was always referred to as Salvation Jane, but I knew it as Paterson's Curse.

Contributor's comments: I grew up in Central SA and Adelaide, lived at Bordertown and Port Lincoln SA. As a Weed Scientist I have noted common names for plants. Paterson's curse is used in SE of SA, but the name in Central SA, Northern SA, YP and E Pens is "salvation jane" (Lower case the jane refers to the flower looking like the bonnets of Salvation army ladies (or janes). See Parsons & Cuthbertson 1992 Noxious Weeds of Australia Inkata press. (Although they used capital J).

Contributor's comments: My mother, who was brought up on Adelaide Plains when it was a farming area, said that the name Salvation Jane was adopted when it was the only stock feed available as the result of a drought. However, I understand that eating it is detrimental to the health of some animals, particularly horses.

Contributor's comments: for what it's worth, I heard that it is called Salvation Jane because it is a salvation to beekeepers as it is often in flower when the honeyflow is down. Sounds like a nice story - but can any apiarists confirm or dispell this?

Contributor's comments: Have always known it as salvation jane. I have lived in Melrose and Port Lincoln in SA where there are fields of it - one of the few plants that survives the drought and is very prickly and gives most people an itchy rash if you walk through it. I have also heard it called pattersons curse and laughed when I saw a bunch for sale in the flower section of Woolies for about $8 when its a noctious weed!