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There are 1 results of your search for snotty gobble.

snotty gobble

1.  Extremely common name for a species of the plant "Dodder", similar to, and having the same climbing characteristic as an ivy. Net-like in mallee scrub usually on lower bushy trees. Thick enough so that it could be used for a hammock when we were kids. Branches from nodes at joints. Generally green, and (ahem), snotty looking! May have small whitish flowers: "I say George, look at all the snotty gobble up in that mallee". "Yes, Fred - you could just about catch fish in that!"
2.  the persoonia tree.

Contributor's comments: [Perth region] We use snotty gobble to describe a small tree with elongated leaves found in jarrah forests in sw WA - chocky snotty in the right season.

Contributor's comments: Common name for a particular tree in southwest WA bush.

Contributor's comments: Snotty gobble is the name of a small tree in WA with a thin trunk & branches, papery red/brown bark and an edible, sweet, sticky fruit.

Contributor's comments: There is a tree in the South-West [at least in the town of Dwellingup] which is also called "Snotty Gobble". It may not be the same species as that in SA.

Contributor's comments: [Patchewollock Victoria informant] A climber plant that would grow all over the Mallee scrub : There's some snottygobble growing in the back paddock.

Contributor's comments: [Wimmera and Mallee informant] Only know of this as something that hangs out of your nose.