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There are 1 results of your search for windcheater.


A long sleeved, fleecy lined top. Also called a sweatshirt: It's getting cold, so I had better put my windcheater on.

Editor's comments: Is this term used throughout Australia?

Contributor's comments: Noticed there was no map for this one. It is definitely used in Victoria.

Contributor's comments: I am sure this term is not really used all over Australia, not in Qld anyway. My interpretation of windcheater before moving to WA was some sort of water and wind proof jacket - not a sweatshirt/sloppy joe/fleecy lined jumper type of thing.

Contributor's comments: 'Windcheater' is a term I was familiar with in Western Australia; however, in Canberra the same item of clothing is referred to as a 'sloppy joe.' 'Windcheater' is unknown in Canberra.

Contributor's comments: Since moving from Melbourne, I no longer pull on a windcheater, I now pull on a sloppy joe. (Same item of clothing). Just a different term for it in Northern NSW.

Contributor's comments: In Adelaide in the 70's and 80's we had a school windcheater.

Contributor's comments: These were interchangeably referred to as 'sloppy joes' and 'windcheaters' where I grew up in western sydney in the 70s. The only difference I can think of is that 'windcheaters' tended to have hoods and sloppy joes didn't. But I haven't heard 'windcheaters' used much for many years now. It seems to have faded from use.

Contributor's comments: Yeah, windcheaters zipped at the front and had hoods. A sloppy joe was a pull-on affair. Sydney, 1970s.

Contributor's comments: In common use in Rockhampton and Townsville, Queensland in the 1960s for a lightweight, unlined, zip-fronted jacket. A Bonds brand name?

Contributor's comments: My brother and I wore one each in Brisbane in the 50's. Only we had a collar and a zip down the front. Common name for a garment of this sort. Name will come back into vogue as the fashions swing back.

Contributor's comments: In Adelaide, we almost exclusively call them windcheaters or jumpers, never "sloppy joes".

Contributor's comments: I attended primary & first 2 years secondary schooling in Brisbane (And U of Q) and never heard it used until I attended 2 years senior secondary schooling in Melbourne - where I first and very regularly heard it, particularly during winter.

Contributor's comments: I have never heard "sloppy joe" in Adelaide, only windcheater.

Contributor's comments: In Melbourne this meant a pull-on manufactured cotton jumper with a smooth exterios and fleecy interior, no hood, no zip. The coolest ones were Exactos worn enough to get faded and shabby around the edges. Brand new ones were daggy.

Contributor's comments: In SA I've only ever heard them called windcheaters (cotton long sleeved tops, not necessarily fleece-lined, definitely no zip). If you say jumper, you mean something woolly. Never heard other terms used (unless it was someone from outside SA).